Stress prevention through professional facilitation

Our workshops create a safe space to understand and manage stress for both employees and managers. Participants learn to recognize the body’s stress signals, practice practical techniques for everyday life and develop a common language.


Documented impact of our workshops

Our research shows that a single Ivital workshop can reduce stress by 10% and the practical exercises we introduce can reduce stress by 20% after a week of use.


Hands-on experience

Have you ever sat through a theoretical presentation and wondered how you can implement the new knowledge afterwards? Our approach is very practical and concrete, making the transition from workshop to everyday use as easy as possible.

Stress prevention for employees

Deltagere op til 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Stress prevention for managers

Participants up to 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Start the conversation in the team

Participants up to 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Stress prevention leadership

Participants up to 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Stress prevention for the employee

Participants up to 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Stress prevention for managers

Participants up to 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Start the conversation in the team

Participants up to 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Stress prevention leadership

Participants up to 30
Time: 2.5 hours
Price: 14,000

Tailor-made solution for your business

Contact us for a tailor-made workshop

Do you need a tailor-made workshop with a special focus on stress and job satisfaction, adapted to your unique situation?

Our workshops are held in the comfort at your company

We hold our workshops at your premises to make it easy and convenient for your employees. By using your own facilities, we ensure that participants feel safe and comfortable, which increases the benefits of the workshop.

Add value to your workshop experience

Purchase options

Our workshops offer a holistic learning experience and you can take it a step further with our add-on options. Add a poster illustrating a key stress prevention tool or a customized analysis that gives you data-based insights and actionable suggestions for implementation in your department.

Choose the add-ons that best suit your needs and bring the workshop closer to reality.

Poster with the pressure scale

Material: foam board
Price from 696 kr. DKK

Well-being analysis

Get insights into your department’s wellbeing and get a data-driven action guide.

Price: DKK 9,300 DKK

Tailor-made solution for your business

Purchase options

Our workshops offer a holistic learning experience and you can take it a step further with our add-on options. Add a poster illustrating a key stress prevention tool or a customized analysis that gives you data-based insights and actionable suggestions for implementation in your department.

Choose the add-ons that best suit your needs and bring the workshop closer to reality.

Poster with the pressure scale

Material: foam board
Price: DKK 2,500 DKK

Well-being analysis

Get insights into your department’s wellbeing and get a data-driven action guide.

Price: DKK 9,300 DKK

Interactive workshops that create a common language and promote well-being

The three basic elements of our approach

At Ivital, we focus on improving body awareness through exercises and mental techniques that create a deeper connection between mind and body. Our body awareness exercises help employees and managers strengthen their ability to manage stress and maintain a healthy balance in everyday life.

Our organizational efforts provide employees and managers with knowledge and insights on how to improve wellbeing and prevent stress in the workplace. We create a common language and direction and provide concrete tools that can be used in everyday life to promote a healthy and productive work environment.

Ivital integrates the latest research on stress and work environment into our work. Our approach ensures that we constantly update our methods with the latest scientific findings. This ensures that our solutions are effective and based on the latest knowledge in the field.

Stressforebyggelse til medarbejderen

Prisen er oplyst i DKK og er eksklusiv moms og kørsel.

Med kroppen som ressource

Denne workshop fokuserer på at styrke medarbejdernes evne til at forebygge stress gennem konkrete strategier og viden. Ved at tage udgangspunkt i kroppen som en vigtig ressource, får deltagerne praktiske redskaber til at håndtere stress i hverdagen.


Deltagerne får indblik i forskellige stressstadier og symptomer samt en forståelse af, hvordan stress kan påvirke både arbejdsglæden og arbejdseffektiviteten. Vi skaber en fælles referenceramme, der hjælper med at skelne mellem travlhed og stress, og sætter fokus på, hvorfor stressforebyggelse er essentiel for både den enkelte og teamet.

Konkrete værktøjer

Deltagerne vil afprøve stressforebyggende øvelser baseret på den nyeste forskning, såsom vejrtrækningsøvelser, kropsscanning og teknikker til at identificere og ændre uhensigtsmæssige tankemønstre. For at sikre en effektiv implementering af det lærte, leverer vi flyers med hovedpointer fra workshoppen og QR-koder til stressdæmpende øvelser. Disse flyers kan deltagerne tage med sig som en daglig påmindelse og støtte til at anvende de tillærte teknikker.


Deltagerne får indblik i forskellige stressstadier og symptomer samt en forståelse af, hvordan stress kan påvirke både arbejdsglæden og arbejdseffektiviteten. Vi skaber en fælles referenceramme, der hjælper med at skelne mellem travlhed og stress, og sætter fokus på, hvorfor stressforebyggelse er essentiel for både den enkelte og teamet.


Medarbejderne inviteres til at reflektere over deres egne vaner, tanker og handlemønstre. Denne refleksion hjælper dem med at identificere personlige risikofaktorer og områder, hvor de kan implementere de lærte strategier.


Workshoppen inkluderer både individuel refleksion og gruppesparring. Deltagerne får mulighed for at sparre i mindre grupper samt i plenum, hvilket giver dem forskellige perspektiver og styrker den kollektive læring.


For at maksimere udbyttet af workshoppen anbefaler vi også tilkøb af Plakat med Belastningsskalaen, som kan hænges op i afdelingen for at visualisere og understøtte stressforebyggende indsatser i det daglige arbejde.

Stressforebyggelse for ledere

Prisen er oplyst i DKK og er eksklusiv moms og kørsel.

Med kroppen som ressource

Denne workshop fokuserer på at styrke ledernes evne til at forebygge og håndtere stress, både hos sig selv og deres medarbejdere, ved at anvende kroppen som en central ressource i strategierne.


Deltagerne får indgående viden og praktisk erfaring, der gør dem i stand til at justere og balancere deres eget stressniveau. De får indsigt i, hvilke faktorer der kan udløse stress, og hvilke konsekvenser det kan have for dem selv og deres teams. Workshoppen skaber en fælles referenceramme, der fremmer en dybere forståelse og mulighed for nye erkendelser, hvilket styrker ledernes evne til at navigere i stressfyldte situationer.

Konkrete værktøjer

Deltagerne vil afprøve stressforebyggende øvelser baseret på den nyeste forskning, såsom vejrtrækningsøvelser, kropsscanning og teknikker til at identificere og ændre uhensigtsmæssige tankemønstre. For at sikre en effektiv implementering af det lærte, leverer vi flyers med hovedpointer fra workshoppen og QR-koder til stressdæmpende øvelser. Disse flyers kan deltagerne tage med sig som en daglig påmindelse og støtte til at anvende de tillærte teknikker.


Lederne opfordres til at reflektere over deres egne vaner, tankemønstre og ledelsesstrategier. Denne refleksion vil hjælpe dem med at identificere områder, hvor de kan forbedre deres egen trivsel og effektivt forebygge stress, både for sig selv og deres team.


Workshoppen inkluderer både individuel refleksion og sparring i mindre grupper samt i plenum. Denne sparring giver lederne mulighed for at udveksle erfaringer og indsigter, hvilket fremmer kollektiv læring og udvikling.


For at maksimere udbyttet af workshoppen anbefaler vi også tilkøb af Plakat med Belastningsskalaen, som kan hænges op i afdelingen for at visualisere og understøtte stressforebyggende indsatser i det daglige arbejde.

Forebyg og håndter stress hos medarbejdere

Prisen er oplyst i DKK og er eksklusiv moms og kørsel.


Denne workshop har til formål at styrke ledernes kompetencer til at forebygge, opfange og effektivt håndtere stress hos deres medarbejdere. Ved at forstå de komplekse årsager til stress og implementere organisatoriske tiltag kan ledere skabe en mere bæredygtig og sund arbejdskultur.


Lederne vil opnå dybdegående viden om de faktorer, der kan udløse stress hos medarbejderne, samt forstå konsekvenserne af langvarig stress for både individet og organisationen. Workshoppen giver indsigt i, hvordan organisatoriske forandringer kan understøtte en bæredygtig arbejdskultur, og den fremmer en fælles forståelse og et fælles sprog omkring stress. Deltagerne vil få mulighed for at reflektere over og diskutere kompleksiteten ved stresshåndtering, hvilket kan føre til nye erkendelser og forbedrede ledelsesstrategier.

Konkrete værktøjer

Lederne vil få praktisk erfaring med øvelser og værktøjer, der kan støtte samarbejdet med stressbelastede medarbejdere. De vil modtage konkret vejledning i, hvordan de bedst kommunikerer med, håndterer og støtter medarbejdere gennem forskellige stadier af stress. Værktøjerne vil være anvendelige i daglige ledelsessituationer og hjælpe ledere med at skabe et trygt og støttende arbejdsmiljø. For at støtte implementeringen af det lærte, leverer vi flyers med hovedpointer fra workshoppen.


Deltagerne opfordres til at reflektere over deres tidligere erfaringer med stresshåndtering inden for deres organisation samt identificere nye handlemuligheder for fremtiden. Denne refleksion vil hjælpe med at integrere læringen i deres daglige ledelsespraksis.


Workshoppen inkluderer tid til sparring både i mindre grupper og i plenum, hvilket giver lederne mulighed for at udveksle erfaringer, lære af hinanden og udvikle kollektive strategier for at håndtere stress i deres teams.


For at maksimere udbyttet af workshoppen anbefaler vi også tilkøb af Plakat med Belastningsskalaen, som kan hænges op i afdelingen for at visualisere og understøtte stressforebyggende indsatser i det daglige arbejde.

Tag temperaturen i teamet – med eller uden leder

Prisen er oplyst i DKK og er eksklusiv moms og kørsel.


Denne workshop har til formål at fremme åben dialog og samarbejde i teamet for at identificere og adressere udfordringer og muligheder i forhold til arbejdsmiljø og trivsel. Workshoppen kan tilpasses både med eller uden lederens tilstedeværelse, afhængig af de specifikke behov og ønsker.


Uanset om workshoppen afholdes med eller uden leder, vil medarbejderne opnå et fælles fundament og en dybere forståelse af de tematikker, der påvirker deres arbejdsmiljø og trivsel. Gennem forskningsbaseret viden om stress og trivsel får teamet redskaber til at optimere deres samarbejde og handlemuligheder for at fremme trivsel.

Konkrete værktøjer

Deltagerne får erfaring med struktureret samtaleteknik, samt øvelser og redskaber målrettet stressforebyggelse og trivselsfremmende tiltag. Workshoppen giver praktiske værktøjer, som både ledere og medarbejdere kan anvende i deres daglige arbejde for at forbedre arbejdsmiljøet. Derudover leverer vi flyers med et konkret værktøj til stressforebyggelse og QR-koder til stressdæmpende øvelser.

Refleksion og sparring

Workshoppen indeholder tid til individuel refleksion samt sparring i grupper og i plenum. Denne proces er designet til at imødekomme gruppens specifikke behov og skabe en åben dialog, der fremmer gensidig forståelse og samarbejde.


Hvis lederen deltager i workshoppen, vil der efterfølgende være mulighed for sparring og vejledning til fremadrettede tiltag baseret på de indsigter, der er opnået undervejs.

Muligheder og overvejelser ved valg af workshopform

Med leder: Fordele ved at inkludere lederen i workshoppen inkluderer muligheden for direkte dialog og samarbejde mellem leder og medarbejdere, hvilket kan styrke relationerne og forbedre arbejdsmiljøet i teamet. Dog kan nogle medarbejdere opleve begrænset åbenhed i deres deling, hvis lederen er til stede.

Uden leder: Workshoppen uden leder giver medarbejderne mulighed for at dele udfordringer og bekymringer mere åbent, hvilket kan give et ærligt indblik i teamets trivsel. Efter workshoppen fremsendes en anonymiseret trivselsrapport, som lederen kan bruge til at forstå og forbedre arbejdsmiljøet. Desuden tilbydes 30 minutters online sparring og vejledning om mulige tiltag, baseret på rapportens resultater.

Plakat med belastningsskalaen

For at understøtte og visualisere de stressforebyggende indsatser i det daglige arbejde, tilbyder vi en plakat med Belastningsskalaen. Denne plakat kan hænges op i afdelingen for at fungere som et referencepunkt for trivsel og stressforebyggelse.


Få et dybtgående indblik i afdelingens trivsel og en databaseret handleplan.

Trivselsanalysen giver dig som leder konkret, relevant, og anonymiseret feedback om dine medarbejderes stressniveau og kropsbevidsthed. Analysen afdækker, hvordan stressniveauet fordeler sig på tværs af afdelingen, identificerer udviklingspunkter, og tilbyder anbefalede tiltag for at forbedre trivslen.

Proces og indhold

Alle medarbejdere udfylder et kort spørgeskema om stress og kropsbevidsthed, som tager cirka 6 minutter. Spørgeskemaet udfyldes umiddelbart før workshoppen og igen en måned efter, hvilket giver et klart billede af afdelingens udvikling over tid. Der er mulighed for at tilføje specifikke spørgsmål, der er særligt relevante for jeres situation.

For lederen

Du modtager en anonymiseret rapport med indsigt i medarbejdernes stressniveau og kropsbevidsthed, herunder fordeling af stressniveauer, identificerede udviklingsområder, og konkrete anbefalinger til fremtidige handlinger.

For medarbejderne

Hver medarbejder får personlig feedback baseret på deres besvarelser. Dette giver en individuel indsigt i deres egen stress- og kropsbevidsthed samt deres udvikling over tid.

Integration med workshops

Hvis Trivselsanalysen tilkøbes sammen med en workshop, vil rapporten inkludere tematikker fra workshoppen. Efter rapportens udarbejdelse tilbyder vi 30 minutters online sparring, hvor lederen modtager vejledning om rapportens indhold og de mulige fremadrettede tiltag.



Stress prevention for the employee

The price is stated in DKK and is exclusive of VAT and mileage.

The body as a resource

This workshop focuses on strengthening employees' ability to prevent overstrain through concrete strategies and knowledge. By starting with the body as an important resource, participants will gain practical tools to manage stress in everyday life.


Participants will gain insight into the different stages and symptoms of stress and an understanding of how stress can affect both job satisfaction and work efficiency. We create a common frame of reference to help distinguish between busyness and stress and highlight why stress prevention is essential for both the individual and the team.

Concrete tools

Participants will get experience with specific stress prevention exercises based on the latest research, such as breathing exercises, body scanning and techniques to identify and change unhelpful thought patterns. To ensure effective implementation, we provide flyers with key points from the workshop and QR codes for stress reduction exercises. Participants can take these flyers with them as a daily reminder and support to apply the techniques learned.


Participants will gain insight into the different stages and symptoms of stress and an understanding of how stress can affect both job satisfaction and work efficiency. We create a common frame of reference to help distinguish between busyness and stress and highlight why stress prevention is essential for both the individual and the team.


Employees are invited to reflect on their own habits, thoughts and behavior patterns. This reflection helps them identify personal risk factors and areas where they can implement the learned strategies.


The workshop includes both individual reflection and group sparring. Participants will have the opportunity to spar in small groups as well as in plenary, giving them different perspectives and strengthening collective learning.


To maximize the benefits of the workshop, we also recommend purchasing the poster og The Pressure Scale, which can be hung up in the department to visualize and support stress prevention efforts in daily work.

Stress prevention for managers

The price is stated in DKK and is exclusive of VAT and mileage.

The body as a resource

This workshop focuses on strengthening managers ability to prevent and manage stress, both in themselves and their employees, by using the body and concrete tools as a central resource in their strategies.


Participants gain in-depth knowledge and practical experience that enables them to adjust and balance their own stress levels. They will gain insight into what factors can trigger stress and what consequences it can have for themselves and their teams. The workshop creates a common frame of reference that fosters a deeper understanding and the opportunity for new insights, which strengthens leaders' ability to navigate stressful situations.

Concrete tools

Participants will get experience with specific stress prevention exercises based on the latest research, such as breathing exercises, body scanning and techniques to identify and change unhelpful thought patterns. To ensure effective implementation, we provide flyers with key points from the workshop and QR codes for stress reduction exercises. Participants can take these flyers with them as a daily reminder and support to apply the techniques learned.


Managers are encouraged to reflect on their own habits, thought patterns and management strategies. This reflection will help them identify areas where they can improve their own wellbeing and effectively prevent stress, both for themselves and their team.


The workshop includes both individual reflection and sparring in small groups and plenary sessions. This feedback allows leaders to share experiences and insights, which promotes collective learning and development.


To maximize the benefits of the workshop, we also recommend purchasing the poster og The Pressure Scale, which can be hung up in the department to visualize and support stress prevention efforts in daily work.

Prevent and manage employee stress

The price is stated in DKK and is exclusive of VAT and mileage.


This workshop aims to strengthen managers' skills to prevent, detect and effectively manage stress in their employees. By understanding the complex causes of stress and implementing organizational interventions, managers can create a more sustainable and healthy work culture.


Managers will gain in-depth knowledge of the factors that can trigger stress in employees and the difference in approaching stress depending on the type of pressure. The workshop provides insights into how organizational change can support a sustainable work culture and promotes a common understanding and language around stress. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on and discuss the complexities of stress management, which can lead to new insights and improved management strategies.

Concrete tools

Managers will get hands-on experience with exercises and tools to support collaboration with stressed employees. They will receive concrete guidance on how to best communicate with, manage and support employees through different stages of pressure. The tools will be applicable in everyday management situations and help managers create a safe and supportive work environment. To support the implementation of what was learned, we provide flyers with key points from the workshop.


Participants are encouraged to reflect on their past experiences with stress management within their organization and identify new opportunities for future action. This reflection will help integrate the learning into their daily management practices.


The workshop includes time for sparring in both small groups and plenary sessions, giving managers the opportunity to share experiences, learn from each other and develop collective strategies to manage stress in their teams.


To maximize the benefits of the workshop, we also recommend purchasing the poster og The Pressure Scale, which can be hung up in the department to visualize and support stress prevention efforts in daily work.

Measure the temperature of the team - with or without the manager

The price is stated in DKK and is exclusive of VAT and mileage.


This workshop aims to promote open dialog and collaboration within the team to identify and address challenges and opportunities in relation to work environment and well-being. The workshop can be customized with or without the presence of the manager, depending on the specific needs and wishes.


Whether the workshop is held with or without a manager, employees will gain a common foundation and a deeper understanding of the themes that affect their work environment and well-being. Through research-based knowledge about stress and well-being, the team will gain tools to optimize their collaboration and actions to promote well-being.

Concrete tools

Participants will gain experience with structured conversation techniques, as well as exercises and tools for stress prevention and well-being promotion. The workshop provides practical tools that both managers and employees can use in their daily work to improve the work environment. In addition, we provide flyers with a concrete stress prevention tool and QR codes for stress reduction exercises.

Reflection and sparring

The workshop includes time for individual reflection as well as group and plenary sparring. This process is designed to meet the specific needs of the group and create an open dialog that promotes mutual understanding and collaboration.

Handover to manager

If the manager participates in the workshop, there will be an opportunity for feedback and guidance for future actions based on the insights gained during the workshop.

Opportunities and considerations when choosing a workshop format

Including the manager: Benefits of including the manager in the workshop include the opportunity for direct dialog and collaboration between manager and employees, which can strengthen relationships and improve the team environment. However, some employees may experience limited openness in their sharing if the manager is present.

Without a leader: The workshop without manager allows employees to share challenges and concerns more openly, which can provide an honest insight into team wellbeing. After the workshop, an anonymized wellbeing report is provided for managers to use to understand and improve the work environment. In addition, 30 minutes of online dialogue and guidance on possible actions based on the results of the report is included.

Poster with The Pressure Scale

To support and visualize the stress prevention efforts in daily work, we recommend a poster with The Pressure Scale. This poster can be displayed in the department to serve as a reference point for well-being and stress prevention.

Well-being analysis

Get an in-depth insight into departmental wellbeing and a data-based action plan.

The wellbeing analysis gives you as a manager concrete, relevant, and anonymized feedback on your employees’ stress levels and body awareness. The analysis reveals how specific levels of pressure are distributed across the department, identifies development points, and offers recommended actions to improve wellbeing.

Process and content

All employees fill out a short questionnaire about stress and body awareness, which takes about 6 minutes. The questionnaire is completed immediately before the workshop and again a month later, giving a clear picture of the department's development over time. There is an option to add specific questions that are particularly relevant to your situation.

For the manager

You receive an anonymized report with insights into employee stress levels and body awareness, including distribution of the different levels of pressure, identified development areas, and concrete recommendations for future actions.

For employees

Each employee receives personalized feedback based on their responses. This provides an individual insight into their own stress and body awareness and their development over time.

Integrated with workshops

If the Wellbeing Analysis is purchased together with a workshop, the report will include themes from the workshop. After the report is completed, we offer 30 minutes of online dialogue where the manager receives guidance on the content of the report and possible future actions.

Get insights into the platform

Book a demo with Ivital

Request a demo and let us schedule a no-obligation introduction to our platform. Get insights into the features and see how Ivital can support your stress prevention efforts.

Choose a date and time that suits you and we will contact you.

Thank you for your booking!

We have received your interest in our demo and will follow up via email within 1-3 business days. We look forward to taking the next steps with you.  

If you have any questions or need further assistance, you are always welcome to contact us. 

Contact information

Thank you for your order!

We have received your interest in our additive options and will follow up via email within 1-3 working days. We look forward to taking the next steps together with you.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, you are always welcome to contact us.

Thank you for your inquiry!

We have received your interest in our workshop and will follow up via email within 1-3 business days. We look forward to taking the next steps together with you.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, you are always welcome to contact us.

Contact information